Monday, November 5, 2007

Fermentation and Balance

We don't know if there's life anywhere other than Planet Earth. We think there's life on Mars but we haven't even proven it yet. To have life, you need 1) Microorganisms and 2) Water and carbohydrates.

Each microorganism produces a different vitamin and mineral, and when you allow then to ferment in their natural medium, they produce ingredients in a balanced form. If it is the ingredient you lack, it's likely that you may absorb it. When you take a vitamin from a food store, it's very likely you will not absorb it, because you don't have the rest. There's nothing that balances. For instance - doctors tell you to absorb calcium, you need magnesium. To absorb magnesium, you need vitamin D. It needs to be in a balanced form; otherwise you're not going to absorb it.

When you play scrabble, you like to get easy letters and vowels to be able to form an easy word. But you got to be smart to be able to write. Many people have the letters but they cannot form a word because they don't have the B vitamins, B vitamins are needed for the brain. Lack of B-12 vitamins will give you dementia. So you need the balance to be able to work it out. And when you do--when we have 25 or so amino acids - and when you have a fermentation -- you have a balance of most of the amino acids available. Your body then chooses to form a protein. You don't force your body to accept a protein.

So, we think of different proteins being bad for you because your body does not have the necessary ingredients to break it up, and once it goes into your blood, your blood gets confused. Your blood does not have water, salt, acid and alcohol to break down the protein. (And in other bad proteins like Mad Cow, prions or zeta proteins do not get broken down in your blood.) A protein, can turn out to be good nutrition, has amino acids, if you ferment it outside your body, break it up, then accept it in your blood. If you take it as it is, which is the case with most of us (because we have already damaged villi) the whole protein gets absorbed

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