Thursday, January 31, 2008

From How To Make a Cherry Fermentation to........

Question: I Like eating cherries. How would I make that into a fermented beverage?

Jack: Usually, sweeter tasting fruits and vegetables will make a more pleasant fermentation. Different grapes make different musts, wines and vinegars. If the cherry is in season, it is a good time to juice them, ferment them and drink it at a stage when you like it. If you don't like the alcohol, you can aerate it, boil it and drink it later. persimmon happens to be a very good one. Carrits would also be good because they taste more like carrots when they are bitter. I tried celery which makes it taste like a savory herb. It's a different fermentation. Oranges don't make good fermentation. They don't taste as good. Blood orange happens to be an interesting one. It's not unpleasant. Try dates, for instance. Anything sweet will do better.

Question: Dan mentioned blackberries and raspberries, Can you ferment those?.

Jack: You can ferment anything. We've learned that the different nationalities have grape wine. There's Dutch berry wine, potato wine, berry wine, honey wine. You can do anything that way. Whatever's pleasant and you enjory is desirable.

Question: So with the berries, how would you ferment those? Would you puree them?

Jack: Just juice and allow at least 3-4 days with plenty of room in your bottle. Otherwise, you'll have a lot of spill. That's why you need more room in the bottle.

Question: So just puree it. Or juice it.

Jack; Puree it in a glass jar, not a plastic one. You don't want the alcohol to absorb the plastic polymers. They are soluble and bad for you.

Also, never drink pasteurized juices or milk. You will be piling on histamines and your body wil produce anti-histamines. You will then start getting allergies and asthma.

Friday, January 18, 2008

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fermentation Workshop in March

Fermentation Workshop with Jack Bezian of Bezian's Bakery
Sunday, March 2, 2007
5319 Packard St.
Los Angeles, CA 90019
323 938-1776
Cost: $25.00 (Payable to Jack at Santa Monica, Pasadena or Hollywood Farmer's Market)

This workshop will NOT include bread making practices.

Jack will speak about.......

What you should eat.
How you should eat.
And what you should avoid eating.

He will demonstrate basic fermentations and speak on how and where food is absorbed, the quantity of food absorbed, and why many suffer in health today compared to earlier years. You will also learn about what is in sourdough bread that makes it so nutritious.

See you there.

Monday, January 7, 2008

How Grapes Ferment Themselves.

Question: So are you saying that the grapes, even if you don't have any yeast, will ferment themselves?

Jack: This is how it is. You take a grape. Then you allow it to become a raisin. You let it sit for a half a year and you eat the raisin. Nothing will help. It did not have fermentation. You're eating raisins. Okay, you get more anti-oxidents because more microbes multiply. the minute you juice your raisin, or your grape, you're allowing the outside wild yeast to enter the juice and multiply. That's when it starts producing nutrients, alcohol, acids, you name it, in a balanced form. That happens to be good food. We're not doing that anymore. Our wine is not our wine anymore. it hasn't gone through a must.

What makes lactic acid from lacto-bacillus? Sugar! There is no life without sugar. As long as we say, "Don't eat corn syrup because microorganisms can't eat it, neither should you." That's a different thing. If you're worried about chemicals in making sugar, how many pounds of sugar do we eat a day to worry about those chemicals? So I wouldn't worry about chemicals such as bleaching.

So microorganisms eat and deplete sugar. When the sugar's depleted, fermentation stops in a way. So in a grape case, they start eating all the fructose and all the rest of the sugars there. this is done with the help of the wild yeast. then some of the fermentation is being taken over by the lacto-bacillus that's in the grape. Hand-in-hand they break up most of the sugars.

So when you're fermenting, the must, in the beginning is sweet. Next it produces alcohol, and suddenly it turns into vinegar. In any case, it is good. When it's raw, then it's sweeter. then you have more live micro-organisms producing enzymatic activity which will be able to survive in your intestines (some of it) and cause good benefits. Later on, you have alcohol, which is also beneficial. If you're worried, if you're Muslim, or you don't want any alcohol or feed it to a baby, then it's very easy to boil and see that the alcohol will dissipate. You still get some of the benefits. In the end, it turns into vinegar. Vinegar's not bad. Every animal has acids in their stomach. You are helping your body have more acids hat way. Otherwise, your BODY will PRODUCE more acids and you may suffer because of it. You may even change the acidity of your blood and urine. What you eat and drink does not really change your blood pH. When you don;t supply those nutrients, that's when your body is forced to produce more of the acid.

When you have one lousy, wrong piece of information, you feel wrong, you're confused and you get distracted. I have such a hard time trying to change people from eating whole grains and non-acidic foods. People think that by eating whole-grains and not eating acidic foods, they're doing better, which is the reverse.