Friday, February 15, 2008

Dealing with Spam......and Fermentation Workshop next month!

In regard to the most recent influx of spam attached to messages signaling new posts on Jack's blog, some settings have been shifted and filters put into effect. Should these not work, we will go over to a system where you will not be notified of new postings but can access the blogpage whenever Jack informs you of a new posting.

In the meantime, Jack is getting a lot of interest for his upcoming workshop. If you have more questions, chat with him at the markets.

Fermentation Workshop with Jack Bezian of Bezian's Bakery
Sunday, March 2, 2007
5319 Packard St.
Los Angeles, CA 90019
323 938-1776
Cost: $25.00 (Payable to Jack at Santa Monica, Pasadena or Hollywood Farmer's Market)

This workshop will NOT include bread making practices.

Jack will speak about.......

What you should eat.
How you should eat.
And what you should avoid eating.

He will demonstrate basic fermentations and speak on how and where food is absorbed, the quantity of food absorbed, and why many suffer in health today compared to earlier years. You will also learn about what is in sourdough bread that makes it so nutritious.

See you there.

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